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Recalls Class (South)




4 weeks

Date & Time:

Weds 8:15pm


Oct 16

Does your dog ignore you when you call? Are distractions your dog's downfall? This class will teach the skills you need to call your dog to you in a variety of situations!

While it's not mandatory, we STRONGLY recommend completing a Basic Manners class with us before taking this class!

*This is a 4-week course over set dates. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer makeup classes for this course.

*NOTE: if your dog has fear-based aggression/reactivity toward strangers or dogs, or is extremely uncomfortable in new environments, this group class might not be the best place to start. We reserve the right to remove a dog from class if the situation seems detrimental/unsafe for that dog or other dogs/people in class, and encourage you to set up a private consultation if you're unsure whether class would be a good fit.

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