Tutoring Sessions
We know that life can get busy, and sometimes you just need a little extra help with your dog.
That's why we offer Tutoring sessions!
Tutoring sessions happen 1-on-1 with one of our trainers and your dog: without you having to be there!
While our regular Private Training sessions focus on training both you and your dog simultaneously, Tutoring Sessions are all about your pup getting some quality time with the trainer.
Tutoring is a great add-on option when:
You've got a busy schedule and need someone to work with your dog during the day
You're struggling with a new skill or behavior and want a trainer to get your dog more familiar with it
Your private lessons are going well but you've got limited time to practice during the week.
Tutoring is NOT a standalone service: it's meant to be used in-between private training sessions.
Email us to get started!
Private Dog Tutoring Training in Austin, TX
Our Tutoring sessions are held throughout the Austin area (same as our Private Training area!
Tutoring Pricing:
Tutoring (day training): $110/ 45-min session (only available to private training clients)
Buy a package of 1 Private Training Session and 3 Tutoring sessions for $435 ($45 in savings!)
Tutoring is NOT a standalone service, and clients must schedule private trainings at least once per month to be eligible.
Tutoring sessions are designed to happen weekly, but we are flexible with timing.
Tutoring sessions are great for:
Working on leash walking in the neighborhood
Practicing new skills in the home
Providing enrichment and "brain pain" for the dog
Enhancing the work you're already doing in private training or group classes
Giving your dog something to do when you're busy working!

How Does Tutoring Work?
STEP 1: we set you up with the trainer who will be the best fit for you.
STEP 2: decide what you'd like to work on! This could be a socialization visit to Lowe's with a puppy, working on distractions on leash, or training your dog to come when called.
STEP 3: tell us how to get to your pup! If you're home, you can let us in or hand us the leash. If you're out, you can also give us the door code or tell us how to get in.
STEP 4: we work with your puppy and send you a text/email update!
FAQs About Tutoring
Why do I have to be enrolled in private training?
Tutoring is meant to be an add-on to help you in your private training. Just like a child in school might get tutoring for their math class, our tutoring program is designed to give you an extra leg up. Because the tutoring sessions are JUST with the dog, they aren't a good fit (on their own) for helping you learn new skills with your dog. It's a great way to have a skilled professional start the process or troubleshoot some issues you've been having, but the Private Training sessions are where we'll work with you directly.
What will you do with the 45 minutes?
That totally depends on the case! In some cases, that might include 10 minutes of driving to a store, and 30 minutes of socialization training while your puppy learns that new places are fun. It could mean working with your dog in the living room to teach them a bunch of new basic skills. It could mean practicing walking on leash, or even bringing a bunch of food puzzles and games to give your dog lots of enrichment and tire them out.
Can I attend the Tutoring session with my dog?
Nope! The Tutoring sessions are JUST with your dog. But we'd love to work with you directly in our Private Training sessions! The Tutoring sessions will include a short update on what we worked on and any progress, but this isn't a time when we can answer detailed questions or show you how to train new skills.
How often should I do Tutoring?
We recommend Tutoring as a weekly thing, though some families may do bi-weekly and others may do multiple times a week. It's generally a good idea to set something up regularly if you can so you get the most of it.
Is this is same as "Day Training?"
Sometimes, yes!! The term Day Training is often used for this type of service, but can also be used to describe a daycare-type situation where you drop your dog off somewhere to be trained. Because of that confusion, we call it Tutoring! Our Tutoring sessions are NOT a drop-off situation.